
By definition, Newsprint is an uncoated mechanical paper mainly used in the printing of Newspapers. A large portion of the Newsprint produced worldwide is based on mechanical pulp, but increasing amounts are made, partly or entirely, from recovered fiber, such as old newspapers and old magazines. Furthermore, depending on the type of mechanical pulp used, some chemical pulp may be added to strengthen the sheet. In general, Newsprint mills are integrated facilities, which means that they produce on site the main type of pulp used in their furnish mix.

  1. Newsprint was under the ambit of Essential Commodities Act 1955. Its manufacture and trade was governed by the Newsprint Control Order 1962. In 2004, newsprint was taken out of the essential commodities act and the Newsprint Control Order was rescinded. In its place the Newsprint Control Order 2004 was promulgated. This provides for registration of the mills manufacturing newsprints under the Schedule – I. Mills registered under the schedule are exempt from excise duty subject to actual user condition. dipp.nic.in
  2. All domestic mills are registered under Schedule – I of Newsprint Control Order 2004 newsprint control order under Department of policy for internal trade and industry a wing of ministry of commerce and industry. NATIONAL NEWSPRINT AND PAPER MILLS LTD. (Now NEPA LTD) was the 1st indigenous mill to produce newsprint in India. Total 125 registered for the manufacture of newsprint in the country with an installed capacity of about 3.3 Million MT.
    Till 1955 India was totally dependent on imported newsprint. Import of newsprint was canalized through STATE TRADING CORPORATION (STC) a Govt. Of India enterprise, As a first step towards de-regulation Import of newsprint was de-canalised in 1992 The import –export policy announced on 30-03-1994 , permitted import of newsprint by actual users .Newsprint decontrolled and bought under OPEN GENERAL LICENCE (O.G.L) with effect from 1.5.1995 vide notification dated 30.4.1995 issued by then Ministry of Commerce. Imports of all types of newsprint including glazed newsprint are allowed under OGL with actual user condition. There is no statutory control over the prices of newsprint. In July 1997 Newsprint was delicensed (except bagasse-based units, which was delicensed in 1991).
    Those publishers & printers registered with Registrar of Newspaper in India(RNI) and are holding certificate of entitlement from the office of R.N.I. are actual users(consumer) and are eligible to procure Newsprint from Schedule – I mill or import on concessional duty of 5%. As on 30-3-2018 is 118239 publishers are registered with RNI. www.rni.nic.in