Our History

“In global terms, the Newsprint Industry had no foot print in India prior to early 1980s”. Till then, since 1955, only one indigenous Newsprint mill existed- ‘National Newsprint and Paper Mills Ltd’(now NEPA Ltd.) In the mid-70s, under, an express directive of the Secretary of the Govt of India, (Dept. of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Industrial Development as it was known then), a move to establish the global standard newsprint industry in the country began. The aim was to produce global standard newsprint indigenodusly thereby reducing dependency on imports and preserving precious FOREX. This resulted in the conception of 3 Public Sector Mills: Mysore Paper Mills, Hindustan Newsprint Ltd, and Tamil Nadu Newsprints Ltd.

Since the beginning, the domestic newsprint producers had to struggle for sheer survival: multiple developmental challenges, increasing preference for imported newsprint and escalating import quantum. Moreover, the Government clamped the administrative-price mechanism under BICP constricting mills to save their ever shrinking margins and see beyond break-even. Under these compelling circumstances the Industry desperately needed a platform to articulate their issues & concerns before the Administrative Ministries.

Despite many a voice raised against such a formation, CEOs of MPM, HNL, TNPL and NEPA finally consented to forge a united front and agreed to come under the banner christened as INMA. Thus the birth of Indian Newsprint Manufacturers Association (INMA) was conceived. The relentless advocacy by stalwarts from the industry ultimately resulted in INMA gaining due recognition as a representative body by the administrative Ministries of Government of India. Thus began the journey of INMA… the apex body of Indian Newsprint Industry. INMA is a non-profit organization, registered with Registrar of Societies under Societies Act XXI of 1860, Government of NCT of Delhi vide Registration No.40300 dated 14 Sept.2001.

INMA represents the resurgent and organized platform of Newsprint industry in India. It makes representations to the Local and Central authorities on matters related to the trade and commerce of Newsprint Industry. INMA is a unique body in as much as it has both large and small mills from the private and public sector from across the country as its members.

INMA Secretariat:

INMA secretariat is located in the heart of the city. The Secretariat is professionally managed and equipped with the latest office automation. It is fully geared to meet the growing requirements of Newsprint industry and others, directly and indirectly associated with it. INMA welcomes interaction and exchange of information with individuals, agencies and organizations having interest in the Newsprint industry.